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Here to help, the Mums Versus Mould community

Someone with a passion to help

There is increasing awareness of the close links between home energy efficiency and how healthy a home is.  One of the most well-known issues is that of mould and damp, which millions of UK households struggle with.  As well as the visual issues and worries, there are serious impacts on health.

It can be a confusing and stressful subject.  Damp and mould problems can suddenly appear, the causes are not obvious, and the solutions often seem expensive or simply don’t seem to work.

If this sounds like your home situation (or maybe a property you let to others), I’d like to introduce you to someone who really cares and can help!

Lisa Malyon

Sparked originally by being hospitalised with pneumonia and watching her daughter struggling with asthma as a result of living with mould and damp, Lisa is passionate about making a difference through behaviour change. 

She understands all the causes and the best solutions, which are almost always cheap or easy to do or change.

She even completed a ventilation course alongside a room full of blokes to understand how a system should work effectively and how to check it!

Lisa is now an expert in this area and has quickly gained recognition and support from fuel poverty charities and many experts in the field. This included a recent invite to address a committee on healthy homes and building in the House of Commons.

With straightforward practical tips her mission is to help households anyone demystify and solve their damp and mould issues. The results are healthier and more comfortable homes with lower energy bills.

She set up a Facebook group called Mums Versus Mould to provide people with free impartial advice and information.  It is unlike all other mould and damp social media groups as only trained experts can give advice.  Mums are joining in droves.

She also set up the website  

To quote Lisa directly: “Avoiding mould is like riding a bike – once you learn the basics, you can do it forever. Air, water and temperature can all work in healthy harmony, but if the balance is thrown off, it can all go so incredibly wrong.

“For example, unventilated indoor laundry drying and open-door showering are two of the biggest mould-inducing behaviours our members are quick to change after joining, but many struggle to heat their homes, and where there’s cold – there’s often mould.”

The more families she can reach, the more households she can support and help avoid the horrific side effects that damp and mould can bring.

My motivation to write this article

Lisa’s motivation, energy, and positivity has inspired me. I know she can make a massive difference to people’s standard of living and – most importantly - health. 

As a fellow volunteer and with similar interests to help people, I just want her to succeed.

Please join her group and share this vital resource to help as many families as we can.



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All content on the site should be treated as information and not advice. You should take professional advice where appropriate to different site articles.


Mark Thompson

Get Energy Savvy - simple practical home energy efficiency information


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